52歌赋>英语词典>fritter away翻译和用法

fritter away

英 [ˈfrɪtə(r) əˈweɪ]

美 [ˈfrɪtər əˈweɪ]

浪费; 挥霍




  • "Pei-yao, I think you should keep an eye on your sister, and not let her fritter away her time as if she were still a child."
  • Matthew Sinclair of the TaxPayers'Alliance said," There is no chance that these officials would spend their own money this way, so why should they be allowed to fritter away ours?"
  • Whenever she's tempted to fritter away time, doing something that doesn't contribute to the magazine's success, she glances at that issue, and it gets her back on track.
  • Whatever general good will exists for the union movement, this strike is likely to fritter it away.
  • Some Indians, too, fear their country could fritter away its democratic dividend.
  • I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.
  • If put a few books, when the wife that final preparation makes before the husband waits to go out, OK conveniently breaks up, fritter away says that paragraph bad it is long it is short time.
  • We cannot ask one dry region to give away the dregs of its resources so another part of the country can fritter it away on golf courses and swimming pools.
  • That may reflect gamblers feeling more content to fritter away their earnings at the baccarat tables as the economy improves.
  • It's easy to fritter away a fortune if you're not careful.